Today was the first full sunny day in the field, which proved to be a great day for excavating and having visitors.
SFU students arriving at the site. |
Some of the students; Amanda, Erinn, Jeneva, Wendy, Caitlin, Cameron, and Tiana, continued to work on their projects in the lab, and the rest of us returned to excavate our units in the sunshine. We welcomed Nathan back to the field, after working on his project in the lab and at home due to an injury, he was ready to once again get his hands dirty.
Nathan happy to be back, Kelsey happy to be excavating, and last year's students happy to be relaxing. |
Throughout the day, everyone was successful in finding cultural material in their units. Richard found some small tin cans and what appears to be a stove damper handle, and Kelsey found an interesting tubular metal artifact. Others continued to find nails, ceramic and pieces of metal.
Tubular metal artifact found by Kelsey. |
The collection artifacts Richard found today. |
Some artifacts found at the site by previous field schools, on display for visitors.
With the good weather came a slew of visitors. We had some students from the previous year's field school stop by. Mark, Ryan and Spencer had a look around and Alexis returned for her second visit to the site this year. We also had quite a few hikers and cyclists step off the trail to have a look and ask for information and tours.
A sunny stroll down memory lane. Alexis, Mark, Ryan and Spencer sharing their Marshalltown memories. |
For the last half of the day, students from the Simon Fraser University Field School arrived. The students will start fieldwork at sites with an early 20th century Japanese component at another site in the Greater Vancouver area next week. The class of 18 students, and two instructors (Dr. Bob Muir and Dr. Doug Ross) all walked the 5.5 km in and the 5.5 km out, and Bob gave them a grand two hour tour of the site, including all the walking, jumping, and climbing we did on our first few days.
The SFU Field School students taking it all in. |
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