Monday 13 May 2013

Day 1 - May 06 2013

Today marked the first day of the 2013  Capilano University Archaeology Field School. Fifteen students gathered in a classroom/archaeology lab on campus.

The day was basically an orientation to the project. Bob gave background to the project, provided some local history of the area, reviewed the syllabus, distributed field notebooks, distributed and discussed several handouts, signed waivers, and outlined potential student projects. Handouts included multiple maps of the area and site where we will be working, and handouts on topics such as survey and excavation procedures, what to do with artifacts and level bags, terminology, field photography, guide to writing field notes, student conduct,  and safety. We leanrned that there is a reasonable expectation of ticks, bears are frequently in the area, and cougars are a possibility.

Our group is an electic mix of energetic students, all excited to take on this opppurtunity.

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