Like yesterday, all students made the hike to the site in the rain. By the time everyone arrived, we were ready to get to work and excavating in the mud.
Another day, another level. |
Caitlin returned to her smaller plot on the north-eastern side, and continued to excavate soil samples in hopes of discovering some seeds.
Caitlin, examining the sediment, hoping for "big money" aka seeds. |
Everyone got back into their pairs and resumed where they had left off . Since we were able to clear the surface and litter mat yesterday, Bob gave each pair an arbitrary level by which to record and excavate.
Good little excavation elves. |
Wendy and Richard found a small tin can, one that appears to be somewhat different than the others previously found at the site, as well as some nails. Stuart found an old tin can and shards of clear glass. Erinn and Jeneva are excavating around a clear glass bottle, so far only the base is visible, so we are still unsure whether they will come across the bottle in it's entirety or just in pieces. Cameron, Tiana and Kelsey continue to work on the south-east side of the site, and have also come across metal shards and nails.
Cameron and Tiana in action. |
Everyone has been carefully filling out level sheets and artifact forms, making sure that, despite the wetness, everything is properly documented.
Not the cleanest of level bags, but at least the writing is legible. Also, the tin can found by Stuart, waiting to be bagged. |
We also had the pleasure of a couple more guests braving the rain for a visit today. Two previous field school students, Andrew and Alexis, stopped by to take a look and see what we were getting up to this year.
These two just couldn't get enough. Alexis and Andrew, students from last years field school, returned to the site. |
All in all, perhaps the wettest and muddiest day so far, but the findings and progress kept everyone in good spirits.
A little mud never hurt anyone. |
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